Adventures in Changing Your Hair!

I love changing my hair. It’s pretty much at the level of an addiction. I like to joke that looking at old photos of my hair is like looking at someone in the witness protection program.

See what I mean? (P.S. These are over about two years.)

Getting my hair done is hardly something I do on a whim. My bestie, Meg, and I  spend the weeks before our appointments looking at pics, sending each other pins on pinterest, and sometimes even texting our crazy patient and unbelievably fabulous hair stylist, Catie.


Here she is at her salon with her co-owner and fellow babe, Ashley.


I have been visiting Catie for almost 10 years and it’s one of the most rewarding and stable non-familial relationships I have ever had!

Here she is doing Meg’s hair and makeup at her wedding nearly 6 years ago…

I feel like Catie has been through all our highs and lows with us as a listening and encouraging ear.  She’s also a wildly talented stylist and chic ladyboss! If you need someone to upgrade your beauty, check her out at Holy Chic Salon!

When you change your hair as much as I do, you need a plan. My plans always take into consideration long term hair goals, keeping my hair healthy, upcoming events, and the changing seasons. You don’t believe I am crazy about my hair plan? Check out this screen shot of my pre-appointment text convo with Catie:


She’s so unbelievably patient and at the same time excited for whatever shenanigans I have in mind.

I am getting my hair done this week and in honor of that I spent some time thinking about how to best achieve your hair goals. I have three simple steps for getting your hair to a place you want.

1. Visual aids. Look, a three paneled science fair board filled with pics might be over the top (Don’t think I haven’t thought about it. You are welcome, Catie.) BUT with technology, it could be easier to snap pics of your favorites or at least save them to pinterest. If you are really behind, print them from your computer and bring them in. Try to go for a couple of options that way your stylist can see the full picture of what you are thinking about. Pictures also make finding your voice with your stylist easier. When I got my hair colored last, I brought Catie this series of pics and look what she created:

IMG_4260 (1) img_7697

2. Think about it. A. LOT. When you are thinking major change think about more than just how it would look but how it would work. How would you style it? How would your cowlicks work at 8:30 when you have to be at work like, now? How will the hair grow out? How will you maintain your look?

I think we all remember the pixie cut debacle of 2013.


I thought about how it would look but I didn’t think about the struggles I might have styling it or how much work it would really end up being or how long it would take to grow it back out. For me, it was the growing out period when I did all my “if I’d only thought about this time” thinking. A great example of a celebrity navigating these waters is Shailene Woodley who is growing out her pixie. She killed it with the pixie but the in between times have proven tricky for her.

3. Don’t be afraid to change. It’s summer, y’all! Shake off your caution and go for lighter  or bolder hair. Now is the time. Be bold.  I know it’s hard to believe after all the complaining I have done but the truth is… I am glad I did the pixie. It was refreshing and it felt great. It was a b*^$& to grow out but in the end it is JUST hair and it will grow back (especially if you take prenatal vitamins, massage it with coconut oil, and change your diet hahaha kidding, not kidding). Besides, you never know when bangs might just change your life!



Yes, I put myself in the same category as BEAUTIFUL celebrities… 😉

Glamour Magazine just published the results of a study about women and self-esteem.

 The results are interesting. It looks like we all struggle with feeling beautiful and confident. If a hair change might give you a boost, go for it!


One thought on “Adventures in Changing Your Hair!

  1. Great issue! That Glamour study is so telling and so sad. After 20+ years of short hair I’m loving my long middle-aged lady hair!

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